Language Training Center

Established in 2011, The Language Training Center (LTC) Program provides language and culture training for Department of Defense (DoD) personnel by leveraging existing university programs to meet the needs of DoD organizations and units. The LTC Program is administered by the Institute of International Education on behalf of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO).

Currently, nine institutions host LTC programs across the United States. All institutions create a formal partnership with a DoD unit, office or agency to provide flexible and innovative training. Each LTC institution customizes their program to meet the specific training and operational needs of their partner, taking into account particular language and cultural training requests, time constraints, delivery of course material, and military specific content.

The LTC program has supported the language and cultural training needs of a wide range of DoD personnel, including military linguists, intelligence analysts, special operations forces, foreign area officers, and the general purpose forces.

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